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Learning 2015

"Learning" is a movie from Argentina starring River Taylor and directed by Marcelo Briem Stamm. He also directed 'Starving." Both movies have plausible storyline and features uncensored sexual scenes pushing them into the adult entertainment category. We've enjoyed both productions and admire the producer/director who has penchant for telling a story with beautiful and talented actors.


Daniel is a deeply-closeted, homeless, 20 year-old street urchin from a working class neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s never had sex with another man yet dreams about it – all the time. When he meets a much-older mentor, he falls for him and the life, culminating in a brutal finale.

Learning conta a historia de Daniel (Rio Taylor), um menino de rua de 20 anos, gay enrustido. " Ele vaga pelas ruas do bairro onde trabalha em Buenos Aires. Ele nunca teve relações sexuais com outro homem, mas isso sempre foi o desejo dele. Quando ele encontra um cara mais velho e acaba se apaixonando por ele, mas a vida acabou tirando um do caminho do outro. Então Daniel é apresentado a lindos rapazes com pirocas enormes, então ele vai em busca de saciar seu desejo."

For more info IMDb

HomoQueer.Com © surfs public cam chat rooms worldwide and archives some of the interesting ones we locate. All visual content is from persons who have declared themselves as legal adults to participate in public forms.

"Learning character Daniel Dis a deeply-closeted, homeless, 20 year-old street boy from a working class neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s never had sex with another man yet dreams about it – all the time. To stream this video Click here!

BCNSFW © surfs public cam chat rooms worldwide and archives some of the interesting ones we locate. All visual content is from persons who have declared themselves as legal adults to participate in public forms.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 11, 2022 5:38 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Alexxxanderlatin.

The next post in this blog is Starving .

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