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Minets Du Quebec

"Minets Du Quebec " There are some hot guys in Canada, and it's no exception in Quebec. This film was created with very well-built and very well-gifted boys found in a haphazard way around Quebec.

Those young amateurs met in streets or in bars and have unrestrained sex for you. Asshole licking, finger playing, fucking, sucking. The outcome of these meetings is surprising and arousing. Five scenes, three couples, two solo's... All incredible..."

There were actually six scenes but one was deleted after post production. This scene featured the infamous model/actor Theirry Pepin of "Danny In The sky" fame. It was a very hot scene with Theirry bottoming and taking dick like a champion. His attorney claimed he was underage, he was not, he was 19 during production. However, for whatever reasons the scene with him was completely erased. Several uncut versions did make it to the public unedited. If you have one of those it's a collectible! The controversy is long since passed, nearly over one decade. The infamous scene with Theirry can be found on version websites universally. We are researching it as we write this post.

Studio: Clair Production

Director: Stephane Moussu

Approximate Running Time: 01:21:13

Released: 2004

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