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Carlo Festa & Pavel Novotny

This video is a studio production spotlight two Eastern European stars. It is filmed outdoors and has a voyeuristic theme. Carlo and Pavel were two of the most famous and highly demanded adult entertainment performers in the early 2000's. Here's a photo of Pavel in Greece from 2003. He and Carlo had huge cocks A better vantage point of Carlo's big cock.

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Ettore Tosi and Pavel Novotny (Just for Fans, July 2018) Ettore Tosi is a director, producer and gay porn star at Lucas Kazan. Way back (around 2013) he released a film called Ettore's Private Sex Files in which he aimed to show unscripted sex, as he described it: "If you're looking for exotic locales and inspired videography, check my titles for Lucas Kazan. Here you won't find any of these. No sets, no lighting, no directions, no crew. Just the young men I've met all over the world. Some are one-night stands. Some are prospective models. I trust the reality of the moments we shared, torrid or awkward, makes up for the lack of production values. Welcome to my bedroom." First up in that film was a guy called Max, 24 years old, filmed in Sicily, Summer 2002, according to the scene description in the clip. Most viewers would recognize Max instantly as Max Orloff or better known as Pavel Novotny! The scene has always been described as "rare footage", and there's probably good reason for that. Although it was somewhat sensational, being a candid camera view of Pavel having sex with Ettore, apparently unaware that he was being filmed, what we see in the clip is not what you would call first-rate gay porn by any means! There are many sections edited out, and because the camera is hidden and fixed, all you see is what the lens picks up. But for Pavel fans (and who isn't?) it's certainly worth a look. So here are some screencaps, followed by a very low-resolution version of the encounter itself.

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HomoQueer.Com © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting guys we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner in likenesses.

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